An IDAHO LUXE difference:
We specialize in award winning marketing.
Our proven process applies proactive marketing to rigorous, professional real estate practices. The process includes multiple steps that ultimately lead to extremely effective sales.
We establish a detailed profile of the most likely potential buyer for your property and then identify high-net-worth individuals who fit the profile, nearly all of whom are outside of North Idaho.
We present your property clearly and creatively, highlighting your home’s most compelling features across all marketing materials. No two properties are presented in the same way. That’s how we find the buyer seeking the highest and best use for the specific property.
Using multiple media to deliver your message effectively is the key. We use video, print, digital, property-specific microsites and extensive direct mail. In fact, we use media more extensively than typical real estate firms, often spending 5X to 10X what others will to market your property. We don’t rely on social media, having found it to be completely ineffective in reaching and engaging high-net-worth buyers.
It is essential to present a property to the same potential buyers multiple times. And
since we have clearly identified the prospective buyers we’re pursuing, we’re able to do exactly that. And obsessively track our progress as we go.
What gets measured gets managed. So, we utilize sophisticated tools to accurately measure the overall effectiveness of all of our marketing efforts. Repeatedly. We often A/B test our messaging and media as we seek the optimal buyer.